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Definitions Of Manufacturer’s, Wholesalers and Importers

Definitions Of Manufacturer’s, Wholesalers and Importers

In order to make clear the many terms used by the New York State Liquor Authority when referring to manufacturers, wholesalers and importers in their Advisories, the following is a list of those terms and their explanations.

  1. BREWER means an entity, other than a FARM BREWER, licensed by the New York State Liquor Authority to produce beer.
  1. FARM BREWER means an entity licensed by the New York State Liquor Authority to produce beer and cider.
  1. CIDER PRODUCER means an entity licensed by the New York State Liquor Authority to produce and sell cider at wholesale.
  1. DISTILLER means an entity, other than a FARM DISTILLER licensed by the New York State Liquor Authority to produce liquor.
  1. FARM DISTILLER means an entity licensed by the New York State Liquor Authority to produce liquor using New York State products.
  1. WINERY means an entity licensed by the New York State Liquor Authority to Wine.
  1. FARM WINERY means an entity licensed by the New York State Liquor Authority to produce wine and cider using New York State products.
  1. WHOLESALER means an entity that holds a license or permit issued by the New York State Liquor Authority to sell alcoholic beverages at wholesale, i.e., beer, cider, liquor, or wine. A licensed wholesaler may also be an importer if it has a basic federal permit to import alcoholic beverages.
  1. IMPORTER means an entity having a basic federal permit to import alcoholic beverages. An importer may also be a licensed wholesaler if it holds a wholesale license issued by the New York State Liquor Authority.
  1. OUT-OF-STATE MANUFACTURER means an entity that holds a valid license issued by another state to produce alcoholic beverages.
  1. OUT-OF-STATE WHOLESALER means an entity that holds a valid license issued by another state to sell alcoholic beverages at wholesale.

I hope that this serves to clarify the terms used by the New York State Liquor Authority when referring to manufacturers, wholesalers, and importers. Confusion of terms is another reason why we recommend retaining experienced counsel before establishing an alcoholic beverage business in New York State.

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