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People have been enjoying alcoholic beverages for thousands of years in many forms. It has always been in liquid form, but an inventor named Mark Philips has created a new product which could revolutionize the industry. It is powdered alcohol or PALCOHOL.

Add Palcohol to five ounces of water and it becomes your favorite alcoholic beverage. It comes in six flavors – rum, vodka, cosmopolitan, mojito, margarita and lemon drop. Substituting a different mixer for the water will give you a drink that satisfies your taste.

The problem this presents is that it could be discreetly brought into sporting events, concerts, movie theaters, airplanes and the like. Venues that prohibit alcohol would be hard-pressed to keep it out. Venues that sell alcohol would experience serious losses in profit when people began bringing their own. It would make it easier for underage youth to acquire alcohol.

In March of this year, the Alcohol Tax and Trade Bureau gave federal approval to Palcohol. However Palchol is already forbidden by state statute in Alaska, Louisiana, South Carolina, Vermont, Utah and Virginia and is strictly regulated in Colorado, Delaware and Michigan.

More than 70 bills have been introduced in state legislatures to ban or restrict the product, but the biggest threat to Palcohol’s commercial availability is a bill introduced by Senator Chuck Schumer to ban its manufacture, sale, distribution or possession.

On August 14, 2015, Governor Andrew Cuomo signed legislation that will prohibit the sale of any powdered or crystalline alcohol product known as “Palcohol,” in New York State. He stated, “This dangerous product is a public health disaster waiting to happen. I am proud to sign this legislation that will keep powdered alcohol off the shelves and out of the wrong hands.”

If you were considering starting a business involving Palcohol or adding it to your inventory, you will have to move to one of the few states in the nation that do not prohibit it.

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