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In an effort to improve the efficiency of Liquor Licensing, the Authority is making significant changes to their procedures and applications.  The changes will streamline the application process and several changes have been made to the instructions, application, and application review procedures.

Several sections of the application have been significantly modified.  The application is more complete and contains sample diagrams with instructions. Several sections including the Establishment Questionnaire, List of Expenses and Method of Operation, have been modified in an effort to reduce the number of incomplete or inaccurate applications submitted to the Authority, as well as to clarify information requested of the applicant.  As of September 24, 2013, On- Premises Applications with Instructions are available on the New York State Liquor Authority Website. Liquor and Wine stores as well as Grocery store applications will be available shortly.  There will be a grace period until November 1, 2013.  After November 1, 2013, if the old applications are submitted they will be denied.

Several changes have been made to the procedures for submitting information or documentation that is requested by the examiner after submission of the application.  Everyone must now supply an e-mail address to the Authority so as to communicate with applicants more efficiently. Deficiency letters will be sent to applicants advising them of the information or documentation needed to complete the review of their applications.  All deficiencies must be submitted to the Authority within 10 business days from the date of the letter (now its 20 days). If the information is not submitted in time, the application could be denied.  An examiner will send a reminder E-mail to the applicant five (5) days after the deficiency letter is mailed.  If necessary, the examiner may also contact the applicant by telephone to offer assistance in complying with the deficiencies.

These changes are taking effect immediately.  If you need assistance with the new applications and procedures or any issues or matters involving the New York State Liquor Authority, please call my office so we can help you.

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